We are now pleased to offer MT voice lessons and training at our regular Chapel Hill location AND at the new Center Theater location in Carrboro (the former ArtsCenter building). Starting on September 5th, voice lessons will be offered Monday through Thursday at the new location and will be open to students enrolled in the Center Theater Company classes as well as to other CHSMA or new students. For information about taking lessons at either location, please click our CONSULTATION LINK at the bottom of this page.
As an integral part of our MT Training, we present three “Broadway in Concert” musical performances each year. Our first is done in late October, the second is done in May and the summer version is done in August. These are performances of the music of a full Broadway show, sung with acting and minimal staging. All rehearsals and performances are scheduled for Sunday afternoons so that students can fit them into their busy schedules but gain important experience for their resumes as well as providing additional MT exposure and training for students 14 and older.
Because MT is such a focus for our school, we also bring in clinicians from local colleges, performers and specialists in this field to do workshops, master classes and other special events.
- Students and parents have long been familiar with the difficulties associated with getting into the top academic institutions in America, but may not realize that today, getting into a good musical theater BFA program at colleges is similarly challenging.
- Applying to acting or musical theater programs is now also much more technical and involves many more steps than just filling out an application. With an increase in student demand for entry into these programs, many schools have instituted a preliminary process called “Pre-Screens” where students must create polished videos of themselves dancing, singing and acting before they are even eligible to have an in-person audition at a program.
- With the increased popularity of musical theater as a performing goal for students and availability of many more performing jobs in this field, more students than ever are applying. Competition for getting an “in-person audition” has increased dramatically and typically students will be encouraged to apply to as many as 20 or 25 schools. Choosing some top tier programs, some good programs and some programs at which it may be easier to gain acceptance.
- Planning and training for achieving good outcomes from this process has become the norm and should start far in advance of the senior year for students to be competitive in the process. It can really seem daunting at first.
CHSMA’s professional track allows students to take full advantage of specialized training and preparation for college auditions by providing them and their parents with all the knowledge they will need to succeed in this competitive arena. When enrolled in the full program by January of their junior year, high school students will be provided with comprehensive information, specialized training and individual coaching in a variety of important subjects. They will learn to choose audition songs and cuts and perfect them, and will be coached on choosing and acting good monologues.
The program will also offer special workshops, panels, mock auditions and master classes with the CHSMA faculty as well as college and MT and Acting professionals and frequent performing opportunities. Payment for the full program is monthly and offers discounted prices to those enrolled. Prior to their junior year, CHSMA and other students can also select from among these and other educational experiences to boost their earlier training, paying an “ala carte” price.
Our program focuses on five important areas:
- Artistic Development – students will improve as a vocalist and actor through a combination of private audition-centered lessons and workshops.
- Professional Development – students will be mentored in navigating the business and marketing of their career including repertoire, resume building, audition skills, pre-screen video production, and finding post-HS education opportunities through college, university or conservatory programs.
- Gaining Experience – students will gain experience singing a variety of different roles throughout the year, expanding their knowledge of musical theatre pieces and developing their resume.
- Networking – students will learn from CHSMA faculty, visiting artists, college representatives, agents, and from their peers in the program.
- Material Support – students are paired with a dedicated musical theatre mentor, receive assistance making pre-screening videos, and have access to private coaching sessions at a reduced rate.